[Effective Modern C++] Part8

  • Item27: Familiarize Yourself With Alternatives to Overloading on Universal Reference
  • Item28: Understand Reference Collapsing
  • Item29: Assume That Move Operations Are Not Present, Not Cheap, And Not Used
  • Item30: Familiarize Yourself With perfect forwarding Failure Cases.
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[Effective Modern C++] Part5

  • Item15: Use constexpr Whenever Possible
  • Item16: Make const Member Functions Thread Safe
  • Item17: Understand Special Member Function Generation
  • Item18: Use unique_ptr for Exclusive-ownership Resource Management
  • Item19: Use std::shared_ptr for Shared-ownership Resource Management
  • Item20: Use std::weak_ptr for std::shared_ptr Like Pointers That Can dangle
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